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Showing posts with the label Side Effects of Tubal Ligation

Long-Term Side Effects of Tubal Ligation After C-Section

Tubal ligation is a common procedure for women seeking permanent contraception. When performed during a C-section, it can be a convenient option for many. However, as a gynecologist with years of experience at SCI IVF Hospital, I often counsel my patients about the potential long-term side effects of tubal ligation after a C-section. What Is Tubal Ligation During a C-Section? Tubal ligation, or “tying the tubes,” is a surgical procedure to block or remove the fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy. Many women opt for tube removal during C-section as it eliminates the need for a separate surgery later. While the process is generally safe, it's crucial to understand the possible long-term effects before making a decision. Long-Term Side Effects of Tubal Ligation Hormonal Changes: Although tubal ligation doesn’t directly affect hormone levels, some women report irregular periods or hormonal fluctuations post-procedure. Pelvic Pain: Chronic pelvic ...