During an IVF cycle, a cryopreserved embryo is thawed and then transferred to a woman's uterus through a frozen embryo transfer (FET). There is a 60% pregnancy rate per embryo transfer for patients under 35, but only a 20% pregnancy rate per embryo transfer for women over 40. Why Choose Frozen Embryo Transfer? Frozen embryo transfer in Delhi may be an option for you if you're trying to conceive but cannot do so naturally due to a medical illness or other circumstances. · You Have Extra Embryos Many embryos may develop through IVF, but only one or two may be transferred at a time because of the risks involved. After a new IVF transfer fails, you may be able to use cryopreserved embryos. Multiple embryo transfer raises the likelihood of multiple pregnancies (like triplets or quadruplets). If you have an excellent prognosis, your doctor may offer an eSET (elective single embryo transfer). Let's imagine you have five embryos. Your do...