Surrogacy has become an increasingly prevalent option for couples facing infertility issues or those unable to conceive naturally. In India, the landscape of surrogacy is multifaceted, with altruistic and commercial surrogacy being two distinct approaches. In this blog, we will delve into the nuances of altruistic surrogacy, exploring its meaning, the role of agencies, and the associated costs. Altruistic Surrogacy : A Noble Act of Generosity Altruistic surrogacy is a compassionate and selfless act where a woman carries and delivers a child for intended parents without any monetary gain. The primary motivation for altruistic surrogates is to help couples realize their dream of parenthood, driven by empathy and a desire to make a positive impact on others' lives. This altruistic approach fosters a deep connection between surrogate and intended parents, often rooted in trust and shared emotional experiences. Understanding Altruistic Surrogacy Meaning : At its core, altruistic s...