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Showing posts from September, 2021

When to Choose a Low Cost Surrogacy Clinic in Delhi

Several couples planning to expand their families indeed go for the option of surrogacy today. However, it is certainly not a quick way for women to skip the stress of natural pregnancy. Knowing when you can start looking for a  surrogacy package in India  might help. Only those women with specific medical conditions who cannot go for childbirth naturally may depend on surrogacy.  The points below explain when women can choose surrogacy as an option. ·          Pre-existing medical conditions Often, women on certain medications due to specific health conditions deprive them of conceiving naturally. When pregnancy is more likely to become a life-threatening condition for them, surrogacy may become an option to enjoy motherhood. However, it is necessary to visit a doctor beforehand to assess the fertility level. Besides, women suffering from complex problems in the uterus or other medical conditions prevent them from sustain...

Know all about Laser-Assisted Hatching

By producing an opening in the embryo's outer layer or "shell" (a membrane also known as the zona pellucida), laser-assisted hatching is a scientific IVF procedure that can make it easier for the embryo to "hatch" or breakthrough its outer layer or "shell." This layer can become abnormally thick and solid in some cases, with the freezing and thawing process being contributing elements. The easier the embryo hatches, the more chance it can adhere to or implant into the uterine wall. Pregnancy is impossible to achieve unless the embryo hatches and implants, and laser-assisted hatching can help with these vital phases. Treatment procedure Under a microscope, an embryologist sends a brief, powerful laser beam into the shell to create a space for the embryo to emerge. During an IVF or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) cycle, this is usually done three days following fertilization, when the source has begun to cleave (divide). It merely ...

Factors to Consider for Successful Blastocyst Culture and Transfer

The blastocyst is an embryonic stage, comprising of 100 to 150 cells. It is approximately on the fifth day after fertilisation. During this time, the embryo will normally move out from the fallopian tube and enter the uterus. Once inside the uterus, the blastocyst will start attaching itself to the uterine wall, and the process is called implantation.  Blastocyst culture The doctors at every IVF clinic will conduct the in-vitro fertilisation or intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) immediately after the egg retrieval process. The resulting embryo will find a place inside an incubator for further development. The stages of culture are here for your knowledge.   Day 0: day of egg retrieval and ICSI or IVF will happen after egg retrieval.  Day 1: it is the pronuclear stage where the embryologist checks how many eggs underwent successful fertilisation.  Day 2: the embryo reaches two to four-cell stages. Day 3: now, the embryo comprises of ...

Importance of Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA) in IVF

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is a widely used procedure to treat infertility. It uses embryos, produced in the lab with the help of egg fertilized by sperms, for conception. Once embryos are formed, it is transferred to the mother’s uterus. That leads to conception and finally pregnancy . It is also evident that not all transferred embryos in a cycle, ensure conception. Sometimes, none of the implanted embryos is capable to achieve pregnancy. Some couples may suffer from multiple implantation failures and may not get pregnant even after transferring the best quality embryos. In these cases, it is clear that embryo quality is not causing the failure. It is the endometrium non-receptivity (hostility) towards the embryos, which is causing multiple implantation failures . For a successful conception, the uterus must be receptive (responsive) towards the transferred embryos. The responsiveness of the endometrium is checked by the Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA) test. Earlier, do...

Dr Vishal Dutt Gour (Urologist) explaining how you can improve your semen quality?

Dr Vishal Dutt Gour (Urologist & Male Fertility Specialist) explaining how you can improve your semen quality? Stop smoking Stop drinking alcohol Stop drugs Try to get away to stressful life Do Yoga Try to minimum use of mobile phones Call our experts for more details, get a free consultation now! +91 9999168746