By producing an opening in the embryo's outer layer or "shell" (a membrane also known as the zona pellucida), laser-assisted hatching is a scientific IVF procedure that can make it easier for the embryo to "hatch" or breakthrough its outer layer or "shell." This layer can become abnormally thick and solid in some cases, with the freezing and thawing process being contributing elements. The easier the embryo hatches, the more chance it can adhere to or implant into the uterine wall.
Pregnancy is impossible to achieve unless the embryo hatches and implants, and laser-assisted hatching can help with these vital phases.
Treatment procedure
Under a microscope, an embryologist sends a brief, powerful laser beam into the shell to create a space for the embryo to emerge. During an IVF or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) cycle, this is usually done three days following fertilization, when the source has begun to cleave (divide). It merely takes a few seconds and has no adverse effects on the embryo's powerful best fertility doctor in Delhi. The embryo is then returned to the patient's uterus, connecting to the lining and continuing to grow.
Who is assisted hatching recommended for?
Anyone can benefit from laser-assisted hatching. However, those who are most likely to benefit are those who:
- Are we 37 years old or older?
- Produce a large amount of Follicle
- Best fertility doctor in Delhi
- FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) early in their cycle
- Have we had failed IVF cycles?
- Have a penchant for producing a thicker and stricter zona pellucida
What are the advantages of laser-assisted hatching?
Due to various advantages, a laser is superior to conventional techniques of assisted hatching (chemical and manual):
- The embryo is handled as little as possible.
- Controlling the drilling of the shell opening quickly and precisely
- It is soft and safe for the embryo, with no side effects.
- Patients have many options, and they're all available under clinical supervision based on our situation.
Human embryo cryopreservation has become an essential aspect of assisted reproduction. It restricts the number of embryos transferred while allowing supernumerary embryos to be transferred in following cycles; nonetheless, it is linked to zonal stiffening, which ours the success rate in most (ICSI) centers and reduces implantation and clinical pregnancy rates. Microdissection of the zona pellucida was induced via assisted hatching. Mechanical, chemical, piezoelectric, and laser approaches have all been used.
Patients and methods:
One hundred and twenty women with fresh embryos scheduled for (ICSI) cure randomly assigned to one of two groups: the laser aided hatching (LAH) group (test group), which included 60 women, and the non-LAH group, which included the remaining 60 women (control group). The second group of 120 women with frozen embryos (the LAH group) was randomly assigned (non-LAH group). In the test group, a 1.48 m Infrared Diode laser, class 1 M, was utilized to produce zonal microdissection on the day of embryo transfer, and the quality and safety of embryos cure tested morphologically after hatching. The control group's zona, on the other hand, was left untouched—rates of clinical pregnancy best fertility clinic in Delhi as well as implantation.
Advanced Technology
In fresh embryos, surrogacy provides LAH does not improve the pregnancy rate or the implantation rate statistically. However, in the Vitrified group, surrogacy is an improvement in both implantation and pregnancy rates.
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