In Vitro Fertilization is a complex procedure that helps with fertility and prevents genetic disorders. People with infertility can opt for In Vitro Fertilization for the conception of a child. If you are thinking of undergoing an IVF procedure, consider IVF Treatment in Delhi for the best treatment.
Doctors collect mature eggs from the ovaries and fertilize them with sperms. The doctors then replant the embryo to the uterus or freeze them for storage.
The chances of you having a healthy baby through IVF depends on multiple factors. It includes your age the cause of infertility. As is with any other medical procedure, IVF also has risks. Furthermore, IVF can be very expensive, time-consuming and invasive. You should be wary of multiple pregnancies; this happens when more than one embryo is implanted into the uterus.
Sometimes, doctors can split the IVF process into different parts, which causes the procedure to take longer. Although, in most cases, the entire IVF process takes about three weeks to complete. To avoid complications during the IVF procedure, consider consulting an IVF Specialist Doctor in Delhi to avail of the best treatment.
The process of In Vitro Fertilization
Generally, the In Vitro Fertilization process includes five steps. This process usually takes up to three weeks to complete. The steps include:
● Stimulation
● Egg Retrieval
● Insemination
● Embryo Culture
● Transfer
Going through each of the processes will give you a better understanding of how the IVF procedure works.
Normally, a woman produces one egg each menstrual cycle. However, In Vitro Fertilization requires multiple eggs for the procedure. With the increase in the number of eggs, doctors can develop a viable embryo faster. Doctors will prescribe you some fertility drugs to increase the number of eggs you produce. The doctors during this time will perform regular blood tests and ultrasounds to monitor egg production. This enables them to know when to retrieve the eggs. The better the clinic the better the monitoring is. Hence you should try to find top ivf centre in Delhi.
Egg Retrieval
Egg Retrieval also known as follicular aspiration, is a surgical process that requires you to undergo anaesthesia. The doctors use an ultrasound wand that helps them guide a needle through your vagina, into the ovary. The needle then suctions eggs and fluids from an egg-containing follicle. This is a very risky process for which you should consult a good Gynaecologist to minimize risks.
The male partner then has to provide a semen sample. Doctors mix the sperm and the eggs in a petri dish.
Embryo Culture
Doctors monitor the fertilized egg to ensure successful division and development. They can also test the embryos for genetic disorders.
Three to five days after fertilization, doctors can implant the embryos into the uterus of a woman. This is done with the help of a catheter that is inserted through your vagina and into the cervix. Pregnancy takes place when the embryo implants itself in the uterine wall. A blood test can determine if the pregnancy is successful.
Hence, you will have to go through all these steps to successfully get pregnant through an IVF procedure. As the procedure involves a lot of risks, consulting the IVF Specialist Doctor in Delhi will help you minimize those risks.
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