Oligospermia, aka very low sperm concentration, happens when a person's semen (fluid ejected from his penis) contains less sperm than usual. If a person's sperm count becomes less than Fifteen million sperm every millimetre of seminal fluid, he is said to possess low sperm concentration. A woman cannot get pregnant whenever that man experiences a low sperm count. A test of the sperm is generally advised by the male fertility specialist in Delhi.
Low sperm count: what drives it?
Within the testicles of men, sperm are produced daily, and this requires the sperm for around two months to develop. The number of sperm released per millilitre of semen after ejaculation varies among healthy males, ranging from fifteen millions to over two hundred million. Less than fifteen millions sperm are produced per millilitre by men who have oligospermia, aka extremely low sperm counts.
According to a male infertility expert, sperm production is influenced by a variety of circumstances. These are
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