One in eight couples has trouble conceiving even when they regularly engage in sexual activity without protection. Although this number is alarming’s and infertility may severely impact your mental well-being, the best IVF treatment centre in Delhi is a way for hope.
Technology improves, and more healthy pregnancies and more healthy infants are delivered thanks to medical progress. Following is some of the many ART methods now in widespread use throughout the globe.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
To perform intrauterine insemination (IUI), a thin, flexible catheter injects "washed" sperm straight into the uterus. Your doctor may recommend Fertility medicines if you select this approach to boost your chances of becoming pregnant.
IUI is a treatment for male infertility where the male has either a low sperm count, poor sperm quality, or both. Additionally, it may benefit females who have developed antibodies against their partners' sperm or whose cervical mucus is too low, acidic, or thick to allow sperm to reach the egg. Donor sperm is another option for completing IUI.
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